- "Love happens to every individual at some stage or the other in thier lives".
But does it happen once? No one knows where it starts - with your teacher, with your
classmate, collegemate,or a neighbourhood girl. Is it called love?
The feeling that lacks a solid definition!!!I see many of my friends flirting around
with girls in the name of "Love". The word "Love" had become a cliche which has
lost its own meaning.We have advanced ourselves so much in this modern age that we
have forgotten the essence of relationships. There's much more to being someone's
boyfriend than just gifting them red roses and expensive cards from Archies.
What about gifting the object of our affection our time, our company, our support,
our friendship? What about setting priorities in our lives and focussing on
each with sincerity? What about trying to be self-sufficient emotionally before letting
ourselves loose?
What about giving ourselves, and others, time and space to shape relationships? What
about working towards meaningful and lasting friendships? What about honouring our
commitments? What about transefering our emotions towards building lifelong bonds
rather than wasting them on seasonal relationships?
We have but one life and its true that we must experience everything. But those which
make us stronger and humane. True love happens once in a lifetime. And we should not
be so featherbrained that when it comes we aren't able to receive it with open arms.
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Enigma .....
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