Wednesday, February 29, 2012


I love deadlines. They kinda give an adrenaline rush. They push me. They challenge me. People sometimes call me "Time Table", "Scheduler" blah blah. But I like being on time. I like setting targets and aiming for them. Even if the target is for watching all the latest movies or finishing all those pending books lying around on the table for months now.

So I bought these 5 new books and seriously doubt if I can finish all of them in this year. I have got a list of movies to watch. Even the TV series that I watch regularly, and which I wait eagerly every week, are pending. I have so many arrangements to do for the upcoming events in my life, I have so many things to take care of, yet am just sitting idle doing nothing. I am not doing anything at all. I don't like this change in me. I don't like being a lazy ass. I don't like me now. Oh yeah, one thing am doing is thinking. I cannot stop myself from this. Just thoughts without actions is a torture. And to add to all of these my aerobics instructor is also on leave. The same fever seem to have caught her too.

I want a break. I really want to run-away, hide myself somewhere for a while in silence. And this is something that I can never muster enough courage to do. But someday! I will have my own retreat which I can escape to. For now, this is my plan for escape - all those TV series and movies.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Roller Coaster Ride

I don't like roller coaster rides. I just cant understand how people say it is fun. It is not that I have not been on any of the rides in my life. But even those that I had been on, I hated them. What fun is it to scare the guts out of you? They must be real sadists who do this to themselves.

Anyways, and when I listen to this - "Life is a Roller Coaster Ride", I really get worried. Guess I cannot escape this one no matter what. I pretty much try to keep my life as smooth as possible, but somehow I complicate my life; few times knowingly, and few times unknowingly. And I hate myself so much for doing so knowingly.

Now that a different dimension is added to my life - my Fiance, I really need to strike the balance. Why did not people say Life is not a wagon driven just by you but so many others, spouse, kids, parents, in-laws? Wish someone had also told what road to take!

Yeah, I know, I should stop thinking!

Friday, February 24, 2012

State Of Affairs

Looking back sometimes I think reading Ayn Rand is a mistake. I hated my work environment, second-handers, hypocrites around me. This created lot of stress in both my professional and personal life. It took me a long time to start ignoring stuff. 

But time and again these things get to my notice and I just have to vent it out. At office, I seriously do not understand how people survive. Seriously. Ideal office is where everyone works. Now it is so hard to see people who even respect their job, who even acknowledge they are being paid by the company and that they have an obligation to work for the company. Yet, few think that their job is surviving cause of them which in fact is the other way. They say work is only a part of life. Of course but isn't your job which is giving you the life that you have?

I really hate people who dodge from their work, who are insincere. And there is another category where in the  person does not have the very basic requirement that is needed to run their job. Say, being organized is an important requirement for a job like Admin assistant, and the irony is this person survives for exactly being so unorganized. How? It is a big question to me. Likewise I know of many positions at my office and I keep wondering how they survive. 

And well, flirting seems to be a good soft skill to acquire. Oh yes. Being blunt, open and honest is no good. You give a little importance to these people and they start to drool all over. May be this IS needed for them in order to survive. Survive their otherwise useless lives. 

How much people seek acceptance from others? Aren't families and friends in our lives not for this reason? Why romance with your acquaintances? And I am pretty sure that last thing on these people's mind is friendship. And all these people I am talking about are married men/ women. I really pity their spouses.

And why do I get to see all these? I don't know! And why do I get to hear all this? I don't know! All I can say is these people make it so obvious that it is next to impossible to not notice the state of affairs. And believe me it looks ugly.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Falling In Love

I don't know why I thought I would never fall in love. I don't know why I thought love cannot happen in case of arranged marriages. Because am contradicting myself. Am falling in love. With a stranger I met exactly 10 days back. A stranger with whom I would be sharing the rest of my life. Magic does happen when you let it happen to you. I thought I could not respect this person, could not love him passionately enough. But every time I talk to him I feel small. Small in terms of age. I am growing younger with each talk. I feel like a child. Protected. Adored. I never knew I would like the idea of someone owning me. 

On one side I hate myself for being this girl who is all  fluttery about love, marriage blah blah. On one side I like the silly me. For once I would like to let my hairs down and enjoy being stupid, gooey. I hope to have my feet firm on the ground so that I don't fall flat on my face. Even if I fall I know there is someone to catch me ;-)

Monday, February 20, 2012


How much you are judged when you are a woman? When you are someone's wife? All that you are as an independent woman is gone in a whiff? Would men ever change? Why do they give all that attention to some girl who is single even though they themselves are married and why do they suddenly change their care or attention when you are no more a single? Why do they think they do not need to be nice to you anymore? As if they get nothing being nice to you suddenly? What was it that they were expecting before and what is it now that has changed? Am glad that their intentions are revealed so easily. Now I get to know what kind of men they really are. And am happy to know who really are my good friends. 

Am really really greatful to all those people who still give me the same importance, same treatment, same concern, care and attention and who are really helping me through the wavering moods and haunting doubts. Thank you Ankit Singh, thank you Deepesh E. Am still the same person to these people. Am a friend in need to these people. Before my work ( and of course after, now a new addition my better half ) guess my friends are the most important aspect of my life. More than my family. Not an exaggeration, being an elder one at home am the one who give my parents the support that they need and I seek it from my friends. I have written so many posts about friends and I will continue writing more on them cause they never disappoint me in the journey of my life.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Extremely Loud And Incredibly Close

Movie based on the novel that goes by the same name, author - Jonathan Safran Foer. I never read any of his books. This movie got 6.4 rating on IMDB. But I gave it a 7. Read few reviews online before watching the movie. Most of them were negative saying that movie is a cheap trick cashing on 9/11 aftermath. What caught me are the words "in search of a lock for a mysterious key" in the movie synopsis. May be I am a sentimental fool that I like this movie.

It indeed gets sleazy at times. But that is the way I look at emotions. They make you so vulnerable. You are not what you are when these emotions shadow you. Anyways, this is not a movie review, is it? I like the boy and his childhood for believing in things. For his never relenting search. For his love. For his fallacies of not being able to pick up his Dad's last call, and hiding his Dad's last messages from his mother. 

I love the way he uses few metaphors. For example, correlating his denial of not being able to let go his Dad, he says - "If the sun were to explode, you wouldn’t even know about it for 8 minutes. Because that’s how long it takes for light to travel to us. For 8 minutes, the world would still be bright, and it would still feel warm. It was a year since my dad died and I could feel my eight minutes with him were running out".

I think I would have loved the book more than movie. But I watched the movie before reading the book. I gotta order this book.

Life is harsh, mean, and so unfair. Yet, living it is worth. Life is an oxymoron in itself. Yet life must go on! It's been a long long time I have been so philosophical.

Friday, February 17, 2012

The Grownup

It’s times like these, when you don’t know what to believe, that it becomes frustrating. Those times when you can’t tell whose voice you’re hearing. One is the grownup, the mature one. The one who always rationalizes everything. The realistic one who doesn’t care but about themselves, about not getting hurt while hurting others in the process.

The other one would be the child who cares about everyone. The child that is always laughing and giggling. It’s always happy with what it has and is a joy to have in life. Everyone loves that child but they don’t know it. The grownup hides the child away from you, so you don’t act like that child. The grownup wants you to mature, to be realistic, not to take risks so you won’t hurt yourself. But you can’t really enjoy your life without that child.

The child is the only one who knows what you’re really feeling, the only one who can tell you. But it’s hidden away, kept under lock and key. Its voice, drowned out by the grownup trying to sound like it, disappears. The grownup is doing an excellent job feeding you lies for which you do fall and keeping you miserable while convincing you, that you’re just fine, that you are content with your life.

The grownup being your brain and the child your heart

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Out of Denial

I am a slow reactor. It takes time for me to realize. Recently I had my mid-year discussion and my manager gave me my rating :-(. I realized it only after 4-5 hrs that my rating is given to me. So many other things. Why is it that I just fail to register. I bought a flat, in the location( HSR Layout) I want, this swept off my bank balance, yet I forget at times that I have my own roof. 

And well I finally said yes to marriage. Not sure what was going on in my mind that made me said yes. May be investing in a house brought the courage in me that I can take risks in life. Or may be I started believing in the brighter side of life and accepted the life is a chance and its worth risking in-spite of all the hurdles one faces. Guess am out of denial mode.

Yeah am a bride now :-). All am excited about is the new sarees, jewellery and dressing up! Apart from that I don't think I understand that I am getting married in few months! I am not curious, anxious or anything. God save him ;-). Have not shared this anyone except with my manager. Why I told him? He is the one who approves my leave is the only reason would be a lie. But felt good after letting this out. But I don't want to tell everyone get worried either with all their suggestions, predictions, advises etc.

I really need my close friends Shanti or Bindu to make this easy for me. I am suddenly missing many of my friends Arpan, Shalini, Sirisha. I am missing my MOM the most. Wish she would come back soon.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Work Nuisance

I am brain dead. Totally drained of any enthusiasm or energy. I feel so demotivated at work. I lost focus. And don't know where I am lost. There were times when I hated my job, but right now I just have no energy to even hate my job. I need inspiration. I need a good pep talk. But to worsen the case I got feedback at work that I am not looking beyond my comfort zone. Yeah THAT is a joke! I am many things but not someone who rejoices in the comforts and let things flow.

Anyways, last evening I was early to my Aerobics class, well yes all that happened at office drove me there early. There was this dance class going on and I sneaked in to watch. The dance teacher was teaching the same steps over and over to these dumb girls who could not get the steps straight. But his expression and energy each time was the SAME. Same steps, same music, in the 5 mins that I spent he must have gone through the same step 5-7 times. But each time the music starts and he dances, he has the same joy, passion. No hints of any routine or boredom at all. And he keeps talking incessantly cracking jokes, making conversations with me and others who are not even part of his class. He is so live. Alive. He is enjoying his work so much. Even though it is so repetitive. Is that even possible in IT field? 

Guess my work lately has become so stupid that I lost focus. I can blame it on hundred other things. Guess I  need one tight slap to jolt back in action. Or may be not. May be its just am at the receding side of the bell curve. Patience! It will all pass and I will be back. Alive.

Monday, February 13, 2012

If You Truly Care What You Write

Got this article from the on.  

The Best Way to Find Your Writing Voice? Stop Looking

Are you afraid that your writing isn’t unique enough?
Or perhaps worried that you won’t have anything meaningful to say?
Discover your writing voice is a big obstacle for a lot of people.
I’m both sad and excited about this, because the solution is simple, but not easy to act on.
The fact that you’re afraid of sharing your message with the world just means that you truly care what you put out there, and that caring is what will make a big difference in your writing.
When I started, I was paralyzed by the thought of sharing my internal world with the outside world, and still am from time to time, but I write anyway, and I’m still alive.
Every writer cares about what others think, which means you will be afraid, stuck, and miserable from time to time.
It’s a part of doing what you love. When you realize that, you also discover that it’s not about eliminating the fear, it’s about dancing with it.

What is Your Writing Voice?

Your writing voice is not something that’s fixed and something great writers keep in their back pocket. Your voice is constantly evolving, growing, and wanting to express itself.
All you can do right now is to express the voice you have. Do not wait for a-ha moments and big discoveries, because they may never come.
Your voice is like an unpolished diamond. The potential is always there, but it takes hard work to uncover what’s inside.
Nothing will happen unless you act. There is no magic incantation you can use to bring forth the brilliance within you, except the magic of hard work.
Your voice doesn’t have to be perfect, you just have to be willing to express it.

Why You’re Wrong About Your “Writing Voice”

If you’re like most people, then you see your writing voice as something mysterious, out of your reach, and something you need to discover.
But just like in real life, you don’t have to discover your speaking voice, because you already have one.
You are who you are, and you write the way you write.
As you keep writing, eliminating blocks, and moving forward, your writing will evolve.
And believe it or not, so will your “writing voice.”
I cannot guarantee that people will listen to you, but so what?
If at first no one reads your writing, you keep writing and improving.
If at first no one finds you unique enough, you keep writing, and you uncover your uniqueness.
You have to be willing to fail until you can succeed.

The Solution to Your “Writing Voice” Problem

You may think that you have to discover your voice before you can blog, write, or whatever you want to do, but it doesn’t work like that.
Most people have it backwards.
Your voice isn’t found, it’s honed.
You already have a writing voice, just like you have a speaking voice.
To become a great writer, you have to practice diligently.
When you say you cannot start because you haven’t found your voice, you’re making an excuse.
And do you realize that the only way to really get the writing voice you want is to do exactly what you fear—to write and put yourself out there?
That’s the beauty of it all.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Books, Movies and Life


 If I like a book or a movie I want to tell this to the world, I want everyone to feel the same that I felt; awed. But like always, stuff that I like the most is where I fall short of words. I could never get to write a review for the best movies or books that I love. Somehow putting it in words what I felt was a dishonor, as if my words would not do the justice to the author, actor or director. And I also realized that trying to tell someone that so and so book or movie is good has no point. If they are good they speak for themselves.

Violets Of March
I wanted to write about this TV show since a long long time...Grey's Anatomy. Yes I am an engineer but I love this medical drama. Since I have been watching this show I at times regret for being and engineer and not a doctor who can save lives. Who is the GOD on earth. I think work on life is the most beautiful thing on work. Well, I  comfort myself thinking that I somehow indirectly am saving life's :-P.

Anyways, the creator of this sitcom, Shonda Rhimes, has done a great job. And the writers are just awesome. So many different lives of these characters and how they are interwoven with their profession...its just awesome. And to add to it they do know how music does magic. They have chosen beautiful songs to go with the scenes. Christina Yang has been my favorite character. And for Season 6 it was Calley Torres. And at times I like Meredeth Grey. And though Derek and Mark are supposed to be the attractions of the show on men's side, I think Owen Hunt is super hot. The show is running its Season 8 and I have never felt bored. I watched all the episodes of all seasons more than twice. What would I do when the show ends someday?
Before I Go To Sleep
The Year Of Fog
Wow! I guess I exceeded my expenditures this month already. Spent 2.5k and ordered these books yesterday through FlipKart. And they are here now on my table already :-).

- The Violets of March by Sarah Jio
- Before I Go To Sleep by S J Watson
- 1Q84: Books 1, 2 and 3 by Haruki Murakami
- The Year of Fog by Michelle Richmond

There should be a job which pays you for reading so many books. Boy! I would be a millionaire :-P

Best of current season 8 of Grey's Anatomy -

2. All You Need Is Love Season 8, Episode 14

Wednesday, February 08, 2012

Work In Progress - The Drama

When she woke up she was not sure if she was still dreaming. But seeing name on the display of her phone she knew it was not a dream. Her boss was calling her on a Saturday morning?!. Due to recession fear, head-count reduction rumors or most importantly the missed deadlines, most of the staff was working on weekends for the last few months. And Diana too was working on weekends except for that day. She was to see an Ortho Doc, for an injury that she suffered during one of her work-out sessions. In spite of everyone telling her to go see a Doc, she has been postponing it till that day. She had informed this to Jay already that she will not be in office on Saturday. Like all her emails this was ignored too.

She was still staring at the display, wondering what is it that Jay is calling her for?! Cuddles snorted at her as if he was irritated with her phone ring tone, and as if to say, 'Will you pick it up already?'.

She took the call and said "Hello Jay?".
"Diana, are you going to be in office today?"
Well, how about a 'Good Morning Diana', to start with she thought.
" What is it Jay?"
"I realized our buddy Mark is not here this week and I want you to take up his column", said Jay.
Mark? Our buddy?. "But Jay, I am already running behind my schedule, I don't think I can take up his work", Diana said fending.
"My question was not if you can do it or not, it is will you do it or not? And I hope you the  know schedule, I want this done before 3 pm today", said Jay with his raised voice.

That upset her. 'He does not even know that I am on leave today and he expects me to work and gives me a deadline? And a work that is to be done by someone else?', she thought. She had no issues with authority per se, but she had very few situations where someone dictated her what to do. And in such cases, she always resisted. Taking orders and rules was something that she was not  acquainted with, unless she knew that it was in her best interests. One thing she could not compromise on was her self-respect. Someone giving her an ultimatum. A choice between 'Yes or No', 'Will you or will you not'. And her usual answer was negative, which was goaded mostly by her ego!
'Is he commanding me? Am I to say yes to everything that he asks for?

There was a long pause, and Jay was waiting for Diana's response on the other side. People taking her for granted is something that she really really hated. She pulled up all her courage to say 'No'. But she was surprised to hear herself say, "Okay! I will do it". And she regretted saying it before Jay could hear the half-hearted okay.

'What the F**k? Why did I say okay? Did I think saying yes to this will change Jay's behavior towards me? What was I thinking? '. Right then, Jay looked like a heartless cruel sadistic person that she ever met.

"But, 3 o'clock deadline seems to be next to impossible".
"Sure, take your time, but this has to go on Sunday's special. So you have time till midnight", said Jay.
Diana was thinking about her appointment with the Ortho...when Jay did not get a response, he  mellowed and said, "Diana? Are you still there? I do understand its a Saturday, but we have all been working over weekends and I would really appreciate it if you can finish this up".

All Diana could say was, "Ummm". 'Yeah if only you had seen me limping all around the office for entire week, if only you knew how overloaded I am with all the work, if only you knew that I too have a would understand!', she thought.

Jay continued to say that he too has been working hard for the last few months and that it is really been hectic lately,  all of which Diana failed to listen. She realized that none of it mattered now and all she needs to do is to get over with the work. She stayed silent for the rest of the conversation except for saying Umm's.

"Okay, so I will see you in office today and we will work on this", Jay said before saying bye.
'We', she wondered. And like she thought Jay was never in office the entire day. She left office at 11 in the night after emailing him the column for review. That was her Saturday.

By Monday, Diana had many regrets for taking up job at The Dawn. For chosing to work with Jay. For ignoring Jay's hostility all this while, for saying yes to work on Mark's column.

"Diana! Oh gosh, you look awful, let me guess you had a horrible weekend?", asked Sofia.
"Don't get me started about how my weekend was", Diana replied.
"By the way, looks like marriage did good for Mark, his creative side has come out, did you see the reviews on his column on Sunday? This is the first ever appreciation that he ever got in his entire career!"
"What? You mean last Sunday's column?", Diana asked surprised.

She went back to her desk and wrote a one liner email to Jay asking for a meeting, to which he replied saying that he was busy most of the day and that he could not meet her, but he was free the next day. That reply enraged her that she pushed back her chair to leave office for that day. Right then, she spilled the coffee on  her table which was all over her shirt.

On her way to the wash room she hit her already sprained ankle against the fire extinguisher which aggravated her anger more than her pain. With all the humility, disappointment and feelings of betrayal she banged the wash room door. She cleaned herself up and looked in the mirror. Tears. There were tears running down her face. She did not realize until then that she was crying. And she had no control over those tears. She kept wiping them off her cheeks, but they were not stopping.

Her phone was ringing again. It was Ethan. Her tears became loud sobs when she saw that name.
"Yeah", she said on phone, with a gurgled voice.
"Hai Dee, wait a minute. Are you crying?", asked worried Ethan.
"Nuuooo", she said, still sobbing.
"What is it? Problem at work? Home? Someone said something to you?"
Diana response was jsut her weeps.
"Alright. Are you at work? I will be done in 15 mins, will come and pick you up. We will talk. Is that ok with you?", asked Ethan.
"Now stop crying and pack up. Will be right there with you soon", said Ethan rushing her.
As if she found a temporary solution to all her problems, she sighed and stopped crying at once. She washed up and was ready to meet Ethan and let out all her miseries of her pathetic weekend.

She broke up with Ethan Covey 4 yrs back. They met in one of the photography workshops and they instantly hit it off. Back then they hardly had any discussions or talks between them. Words really played no role in their relationship. It was as if they knew what the other person was thinking or was about to say. They had so many similar tastes, preferences. Life was so easy and simple with Ethan. As if it is a party to enjoy with no worries, tensions.

Diana had to move to the City to work at The Dawn and leave her small home town, and that is when Ethan professed his love for her. Though she knew that it was coming she was in a fix when it came to what her response is. She had high hopes and dreams of her own. She did not know how he would fit in those dreams of hers.

Yet, she loved all the care, attention and each moment spent with Ethan, that she reciprocated, with an SMS after a late night dinner with him, that said, "I love you too :-)". Later Ethan followed Diana to find job in the City. But things changed for them once they moved here. She was always so caught up with her own goals, aims, and grandiose thoughts and she could barely involve him in any of these. Ethan felt left out. First thing that Ethan liked about Diana was that she was always in the right. And the same is what he was hating her the most - for always being right.

She was always in a race. Apart from her job nothing else seemed important to her. And all this was drowning for Ethan. And she was trying to rub this on Ethan too. She was making plans for Ethan's career too. That was the only way she knew to show her love. That was the only way she knew to show that she cared for him. But to Ethan, this looked like she was trying to control his life.

A relationship where there were no words, there were arguments now. And eventually they both decided to end the relationship for their own good. With time they lost touch until a year later where they happened to meet in a cafe.

Since then they have been friends. Good friends. They were in and out of many relationships later. But their relationship as friends stayed. Many of her friends asked her the possibilities of getting back with Ethan. But she knew that it would never happen. If something good like moving to a City with promising careers could not keep them together, then they do not stand a chance with a life full of unexpected turns and twists. May be Ethan knew this too.

"Tell me about it", said Ethan.
"It's my boss!", said Diana.
"What? Boss? Ha ha are kidding right?"
"No", said Diana firmly.
"Okay. Go all ears", said Ethan.
"Well, first of all I don't think he likes me and I don't know why!"
"Did he tell you he does not like you or is that your assumption?", asked Ethan.
"He says it in each of his actions. He simply hates me".
"Okay, so now am talking to the great interpreter of actions is it? You know what your problem is, you assume. And you over-analyze!", said Ethan and he regretted those words immediately.

One thing he learnt from all these years with her is, that when she is sad and trying to share something, he is only supposed to listen to her and not pass judgements, advises or comments. He knew that he had upset her already. And only two men knew the crankier side of hers. Her Dad, and Ethan. And it is absolutely impossible to deal with her when she is cranky. Unfortunately both of them get to see mostly the petulant side of hers and they seemed to be fine with it. Her Dad cause he has no other option. Ethan cause he preferred this to otherwise, obsessive, aggressive, highly-opinionated, wise women. Her emotions made her dumb and he liked that. It was easy to deal with her stupidity than her wits.

Before, she could react, he said, "Dee, I seriously think you should talk to him and stop over-thinking".
To which Diana replied with her about-to-cry voice, "I did, I called him for a meeting and he said he is not free today."
"So, who is dying tomorrow? You or him? You can still talk to him tomorrow. Now. If you really think I can help you, you have two options. We watch DVDs of your favorite TV show and order a pizza or go to the movies and have a dinner".

That is one trick of Ethan's that always brings smile to Diana. They chose to go to the movies.

That night after she came back from dinner, She replied back to Jay's email saying that she was okay for a meeting tomorrow. And to her surprise she got an immediate reply from him.

"Sure Diana".

Monday, February 06, 2012

Work In Progress - The Journey

He was running late for the meeting. He always is. May be he hates the formalities or subtleties of exchanging greetings with the people attending the meeting. May be by turning up late he can just sneak in without being noticed. May be he thought by being a nobody he could avoid the obligation to laugh at silly jokes that people crack which betray their anxieties.

He caught Diana on his way to the conference room. He said to himself, 'Ah! Not her. I am trying to avoid every possible human contact and there she is. How do I escape her?'. As if Diana understood his discomfort or as if she got used to his indifference by now, she did not bother wishing him either. By now, she learned to avoid such uncomfortable situations for her own good.

Edward had called for a meeting. To discuss budget, and most important result of any such discussion…headcount reduction. Jay hated these meetings. He believed that everyone should be given a second, third or so on chances, till they succeed. He was very soft in these matters. Which was most of his employees complaint about him. He could not tell apart performers from non-performers. Both got the same respect, both almost earned the attention. This was putting high number of his employees at distress. Yet, he believed that non-performers are just unlucky people who are waiting for someone like him to throw chances at them. Why? Did he value humans more than their intellect? Was he trying to make more friends than enemies? Later does not seem to be the case, as list of his enemies was growing day by day. Or did he fail explaining why he did so? Or did people fail to understand his explanation?

He saw the room was full. 'Ofcourse, how much people enjoy being the ones who decide others life's, careers', he thought. The meeting was short, as many did not speak, as if speaking may jeopardize their own jobs. He was happy that the meeting finally came to an end. He tried to leave the room as silently as he came in, but Edward had to stop him. No one escapes Edward.

"Jay! So you know the plan right? I would like to see the list from your end, by the end of this week."
"Yeap", said Jay with an expression that meant if only I had a choice.
"I hope to see less numbers from your department anyway. Am sure each of your employees have handful to work and no one is sitting idle without any assignment?!", it was more of a question than a statement.
Jay knew that Edward was referring to Diana. He knew that he had to get her started on Page 5. To confirm his assumptions, Edward said, "How is the new column on Page 5 coming along? Is Diana having difficult time starting or is she giving you difficult times?". Before he could answer Edward winked at Jay and left the room.

He came out of the room and there she was again. Walking back to her desk, with a coffee mug in one hand and a folded newspaper in the other, reading some article that caught her attention. She was startled when Jay said, "Diana, do you have few minutes?".
"Hai, yes."
"Please come by my office in five minutes, am going to go get my coffee."

She rushed back to her desk and drowned, the now cold coffee down her throat. She found a notepad and pencil and was ready to meet Jay. All this took her only 5 seconds, and she realized that she was to meet  him in 5 minutes. Next 4 minutes, she could not comprehend what was it that she felt. Anxiety? Fear? Worry? Curiosity? Whatever that was it made her uncomfortable.

She knocked on the door and Jay made a gesture with his hand pointing to her to a chair. 'Why can't he say it in words?', She thought. She had never been in Jay's office before. Jay was struggling to find a notepad or something. Diana's eyes wandered across Jay's office. It was cluttered. There were too many things. Most of which surprised her. Paper greeting cards from his acquaintances, friends and family. Which meant he is a sensible and sensitive guy who treasures those cards. Few were dated 10 years back. Wow, who keeps a 10-year old card? He must be a romantic at heart she thought. There were many presents, awards hanging on the walls, which spoke of his accomplishments. She could not believe that he had so many accomplishments from her first meeting. That was another surprise to her. On his desk, she found couple of books, and  "The Joy of WORK" by Scott Adams book caught her attention. That was the biggest surprise of all. Jay looked like someone caught in the wrong place. And someone who is enduring a painful job which he is least bothered about. And this book...she wondered if he ever opened the book!

"Okay! This is our first formal meeting I suppose", Jay said, writing date and Diana's name on one of the pages on his notebook.
"Well yes!"
Jay explained to her about their plans of running a column against Corruption on their Page 5 and how important this job is, and how many ass-****s she might have to deal with, and how tough it was.
He went on to add, "Given the complexity and importance of this work I had few people on mind who would run this column, but well Edward said it will be Diana who is right for this job. So here it is. Welcome aboard!"
Diana felt the pinch. She could connect back everything to this. The reason Jay kept her at a distance, why he kept her avoiding; he did not like Diana working on this column. She felt both happy and sad at the same time. Happy that, THAT was the only reason why Jay ignored her. If it was, she knew that she could prove him wrong and she could win his accolades given a chance. Sad, cause she was worried about "What-ifs". What if she could never straighten things out with Jay?

Meeting went on for 10 more mins, with Jay explaining her the intricacies of interviewing different people and how to get the right data to the public. At the end, Diana left the room with half excitement and half anxiety.

Next few months were difficult for Diana. Any information she gathered for the article, and when asked Jay to review it, he had would ask her to get it reviewed by one of her peers, with Jay not even looking at it. Even though she was more experienced than all of those people whom Jay mentioned to her. She still did it. She knew when to swim against and when to go with the tide.  Her first article that got published got so many appreciations, yet he never acknowledged. It was as if Page 5 was a lost cause to him. After a while Diana gave up trying to win his accolades. She tried to solace herself saying that she was at least doing good at her job, even with all the dis-approvals from her immediate boss. That was her, after a while people around her hardly affected her or mattered to her.

It was a Friday night and Diana has been working on her next column for the last 38 hrs. She saw her pet, a Labrador puppy, at her feet, sleeping so blissfully. She called him Cuddles. She envied him. She thought if only I was a puppy! Could sleep like a log without anything to worry, would be fed like a beast, and adored like a precious doll. But, she a human being has to have a job to feed herself. Had to sacrifice her sleep to keep the job. She could have been on the party that her friend Lisa invited her. Yet, she was here working like an ass. Her phone rang which woke Cuddles up. He snorted and left her room to sleep in the living room without any noises around. What a luxury you have, she thought. It was Lisa. She checked time and it was 1 in the morning.

"Diana! I knew you would be awake...a workaholic. You would have loved this party! It is 1 in the morning and party looks like its just started", Diana could hear loud music and people in the backdrop, and she knew that Lisa was not lying.
"Well, the story of my life!", Diana said  agreeing to Lisa.
"Hmm, don't you worry! Once you are done with your assignment we will catch up for sure. Unlike you am always free...okay, I gotta go. Bye!"

Lisa's call made her suddenly tired. She thought she should get some sleep. She switched off the lights and as she nuzzled into the bed, she saw Cuddles coming back to her room with a look on his face which said, "It's high time you realized that you needed sleep".

She dreamed that she was interviewing someone for her next column and she could not hear the person, as there was a heavy music. She was trying to ask him the same question again and again, but she could not make out what the other person was trying to say. She was yelling on top of her voice that the person could hear her. And all she could hear in response was some familiar music. She realized that it was her ring tone. She tried to find her phone, but it was not with her. She was wondering where the ring tone came from.

She woke up as if someone pushed her out of the dream. Her phone was ringing. It was 8 in the morning. She slept for 8 hrs, but it looked like less than 8 minutes. She reached study table and picked her phone. The display said "Jay Clements calling...".

Saturday, February 04, 2012

Oats Upma

Recipe from -

Friday, February 03, 2012

Eat Right To Reduce Belly Fat

 I am not over-weight per se, but who does not want to have a flat tummy? I have been doing cardio and abs for last one year or so. During a break of 3 months I had put on lot of belly fat. No matter how many crunches, sit-ups I do, I am unable to get rid of fat around my tummy. I totally overlooked that eating right is as important as regular work out. So here goes my research; these are the foods that help you reduce belly fat. And I can see a difference. Do not be so tempted reading all those online articles which claim that eating these will show you difference within days. It does take time. At least a month provided you are not adding up high-calorie sugar foods when you are on this diet. 
MUFA Diet ( MonoUnsaturated Fats)

  • Beans Beans are high in protein, complex carbs, iron and fiber. Due to their high fiber content, they can help you lose the belly by filling you up. Eat red beans, white beans, lentils, pinto beans and garbanzo beans to help lose belly fat.
  • Apples Apples are a great source of pectin – a type of soluble fiber known for its healthful effects.  Apples have been shown to significantly reduce visceral belly fat in overweight individuals with zero side effects. The polyphenols in apples also play an important role in the metabolism of all types of body fat. One of the most important tools of weight loss is feeling full. That's why one of the great things about apples is that a large one contains five grams of fibre, which helps to keep you to feeling satisfied.
  • Hot Peppers Hot, spicy foods rev up metabolism, resulting in faster weight loss. Try to eat at least one spicy meal or snack daily. The metabolism boost lasts for hours after eating. Hot peppers are the most effective spicy foods to help get rid of the fat. Habaneros are the best choice to burn off the calories, if you can stand the heat!
  •  Eggplant, Peppers and Tomatoes The vegetables mentioned here – eggplants, peppers and tomatoes, have such great fat burning abilities that they are eaten a lot. It is well known that people enjoy eating tomatoes with everything. Moreover, peppers should be consumed in abundance and with free will.
  • Green Peas According to the researchers at Wake Forest Baptist Medical Centre, vegetables, fruit and beans contain more soluble fiber and will help reduce visceral fat, or belly fat, around the midsection. They found that for every 10-gram increase in soluble fiber eaten per day, visceral fat was reduced by 3.7 percent over five years. In addition, increased moderate activity resulted in a 7.4 percent decrease in the rate of visceral fat accumulation over the same time period.
  • Green Tea Green tea is packed with benefits. Aside from the fact it can help speed up your metabolism (which can help support fat burning), but it has powerful antioxidants that may prevent certain cancers. Well, if you drink several cups of green tea throughout the day, you will burn more calories and lose weight quicker. The ingredient in green tea called EGCG has been documented to help lose weight by burning more calories throughout the day when it is ingested.
  • Olive Oil Certain fats are good for your body. Olive oil is one of those. Olive oil is probably so good that it helps you burn fat. Olive oil can not just be good for you, but can taste good, too. There are different types of olive oil, but you should always look for an “extra virgin oil”. Extra virgin means the olive oil was squeezed for a first time.
  • Eggs Eggs are super high in protein and can help you burn that unwanted belly fat. However, if you're still worried about your overall cholesterol intake from eating too many eggs, you can remove the yolk and still benefit from the high protein contained in eggs.
  • Oatmeal should be an essential ingredient in any fat-loss nutrition program. Oatmeal has the perfect combination of protein, carbohydrates, and fat; in fact, it is known to lower bad cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of colon cancer.
  • Vegetables Bracolli, Asparagus, Lettuce,Tomatoes. These are vegetables that have such low calories that when you eat them, the amount of calories burned just to digest them is more than what was consumed. Because of this, these vegetables help in burning body fat and thus reducing belly fat. All these vegetables should be ideally sautéed and eaten as that is the best way for you to eat anything.
  • Berries Strawberries, Cherries and Berries. A growing body of science reveals tart cherries, enjoyed as either dried, frozen cherries or cherry juice, have among the highest levels of disease-fighting antioxidants, when compared to other fruits. Cherry-enriched diet lowers total weight, body fat (especially the important “belly” fat), inflammation and cholesterol-all risk factors associated with heart disease.
  • Low-fat diary products With all the healthy vitamins and minerals found in skim milk, low-fat cottage cheese carries a whopping 15 grams of protein in each half cup serving. Since it also contains the slow-digesting protein casein, low-fat cottage cheese helps in keeping you feeling full for a longer period of time.
  • Avocado Most of the fat in an avocado is unsaturated; this makes it healthy despite its obvious high fat levels. Adding a small amount of avocado, which is rich in potassium, B vitamins, vitamin E, and vitamin K, to your fat-burning diet plan will yield positive results.