Jyothi is one of my close friends. She is a woman with strong thoughts but
most of the times fate doesn’t help her in achieving/ doing whatever she wants. But she has been a successful woman in whatever fate chooses for her, cause of her hard work or sincerity or as her criticizers say ‘mere luck’.
She loves to be independent and the best. That is one of the reasons why she is still alone in her life though she has a very good family and lotz of friends around her. It was not recently that she realized that she needs a company in her life, someone who is for her and only hers. Finally she decided to get married.
Her father brought a proposal for her. They were asked to exchange their photos. His name is Surya. He too was a successful guy from the IIT’s and who was placed in one of the top companies. Moreover he was also working in the same city. His family background also being good everything seemed fine for her parents and they thought they have found the right match for their daughter.
Few days after they had exchanged their photos there were mails and phone calls between Jyothi and Surya. Jyothi was also impressed by the guy. She was for the first time experiencing those caressing and loving words. She too thought that the day has come where her thoughts should be filled with “We” rather than “I”. As any gal would dream she dreamt of her marriage and married life. It wasn’t so long that she was taken aback by a truth about Surya.
As usual she wanted to start that week with lotz of hopes. But that Monday she received a mail from Surya which was supposed to change her fate. She thought that would be one of those flattering or admiring mails that he used to send her. But this wasn’t a usual mail. Surya was a diabetic patient. He had to write that “before we go any further you need to know the fact that am a diabetic patient”. But he was ready for a negative response from Jyothi's side.
That day night when she got call from her parents she informed about this and they immediately have to drop the idea. Jyothi was left in confusion. She was not given time to think about the feeling that she has for the guy –“ pity or concern or anything more than that”. At last the marriage proposal was cancelled. The following day she got the last mail from Surya but she didn’t reply to that. Now Surya is gone forever from her life. As per her parents think it was a bad dream we ought to forget it. Sure she can forget that but can Surya do the same? Can he forget that he is a diabetic patient? What if he comes across the same again?
Is this a marriage called? Or a barter system? She was so confused whether to accept him for his honesty or to go by her parents decision. What if she came to know about that after marriage? Whose mistake is it???
Jyothi’s – for not being able to take her own decision?
Surya’s – the only sin he did is to suffer from diabetics and being honest to tell the truth?
Surya’s Parents – for not revealing the truth and for wishing to see their poor son married like any other would?
Jyothi’s Parens – for rejecting the proposal and for only reason to reject was to see their daughter happy with a best person beside her?
Marriage system’s - which only cares for credentials but not the feelings?
Or Fate’s – this time the victim being Surya????