Saturday, March 13, 2010

Wake-Up Dream

Dreams! Sometimes you wake up feeling so good, lite and elated. And the day that follows is just great. Sometimes you wake up with a feeling that you lost something??? What is that something? An extra hour of sleep? I wish its just that. But this queasy feeling tells you that it bigger than that. Something so intrinsic that you dread stepping out of your bed. You just want to go back to sleep and wake up with a fresh mind. Its a Sunday morning and another few hours in bed would not cost a thing. But it just does not happen. Abed I try to remember what that troubled dream that woke me up in such a terrible mood! But to no avail. All that felt good and right is no longer the same :-(.

After wasting an hour, I muster the courage and patience to face the rest of the day [ and the rest of probably a beautiful week ahead ]. I waste half my sunny hot languorous Sunday. Finally I decide to do a bit of Google on dreams hoping that it might help me in recalling the dream I woke up with. Hoping that I do not spoil the rest of the week with my glumness.

Wake-Up Dream

The wake-up dream is the last dream you have as your are waking up and your consciousness is returning to your physical body. And most of the times this is the dream that gives you an important message. Some believe that wake-up dreams come true. That is this wake-up dream predicts future. Rest of this post is what I gathered from my Google search on article on dreaming, individual's experiences and thoughts.

Dreams can predict future?

Dreams compensate the waking mind with information that is unconscious - repressed, hidden or forgotten. According to a theory the dream wants to balance the dreamer's life by providing information that anwsers questions to why things are the way they are in the dreamer's life. A purpose of dreams is to bring these repressed emotions to consciousness so a healing can take place. Only then can a person be live a happy and structured life, with a purpose and positive attitude. The unconscious dream compensates the conscious mind with this information using motifs and metaphor.

Predicting the future? Dreams do at times show us insights to possible events in the future. But it is as much a calculation of what the mind and body already knows than a supernatural event. The brain is the ultimate super computer. The body is able to communicate illness and disease through the dream, informing a person well before it is detectable by medical means. There are, and through out history have been men and women who were 'good' at seeing future events, but when you deeper into these predictions they are as much a general thought than true predictions of the future. Intuitiveness is a form of knowing, a known quality of the psyche that let's someone sense 'truths' about someone, thing or event. So why not the dream using related aspects to inform, if only in on occasion. The science of dreams {psychology}, through Jung and others, have shown us there are metaphysical qualities to the human psyche. It is probably best to be skeptical, but never dismissive.

Symbol/ Metaphors in Dreams

Dreams communicate through metaphors, symbols, a primitive language that the mind understands. And most of the times dreams have a different meaning than to what you exactly see in a dream. There is a Dreams dictionary where in you can key an object or a thing that you saw in a dream and get their interpretation. Here's the link:

Dreams affect mood

You have many dreams during the night but generally it is the last dream that you remember when you wake up. Some dreams can be so emotive that you wake up still feeling those emotions in a very powerful way. How you feel can go on to make an impact on your day. It can also alter the way you relate to the people who featured in your dream. This is all fine if it was a pleasant dream with positive emotions and you wake up feeling great. However, it is not so good if it was a bad dream that led you feeling unhappy or in distress.

Its also vice verse where your moods affect the dreams. And research says that a good mood can lead to a good dream. What you see in a dream is nothing but a result of what you feel or how you feel. These are the thoughts that you escape from in the conscious waking state, but which keep crawling up your mind and soul when you are asleep in deep unconscious state. I googled for a repetitive dream that I get. Its called Running Away dream, caused due to anxiety, worry. And I found this -

Running Away

Anxiety dreams often involve you trying to run away from something. This is a common, but still terrifying experience. The thing hunting you may take the form of a man, an animal, or even a monster. Children have even reported anxiety dreams in which they are being chased by an inanimate object such as a washing machine or toilet. Adults may find themselves crawling through small spaces or narrow tunnels to escape what is chasing them.

While anxiety dreams are often alarming and troublesome, you need to realize that they are an indication of someone or a situation that is consciously distressing you. While you may be able to ignore it during waking hours, it will creep into your dreams.

Some anxiety dreams may be so disturbing that they cause you sleepless nights. To overcome this, take a good look at the situations and relationships in your life to see what might be linked to the dream. If you can figure out what is causing the dream and resolve that situation, you may find the dreams will lessen if not cease completely.


Its past noon, probably I should catch up on some sleep and dream good. Hope the coming week is good without any worries and anxieties. Happy week ahead to all. Happy Ugadi.

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