
Tuesday, August 28, 2012


speculation |ˌspekyəˈlāSHən|
1 the forming of a theory or conjecture without firm evidence: there has been widespread speculation that he plans to quit | this is pure speculation on my part | these are only speculations.
2 investment in stocks, property, or other ventures in the hope of gain but with the risk of loss: the company's move into property speculation. he was a millionaire from speculations on the stock market.

I think most of a human being's time in a day goes in this - speculating. And it really cracks me up knowing how these minds work. And interesting thing is to know that most of the time is spent on speculating or guessing about others than themselves. Everything has to fall under a pattern, a routine or a known territory. If not they get curious, speculative, and each one declares themselves to be a detective working on a national threat. And it does not give them a goodnight's sleep unless they reason it out and solve the case.

Reasoning. This is another interesting aspect of individuals.

There are people who assume what is convenient to them even if it is practically not true. These are the ones who live in denial. They are the ones who invite the trouble. And to get over from one trouble they create another trouble and the chain goes on.

There are people who assume the worst. Absolute pessimists. They just worry too much and these people create problems for themselves too - by overreacting or reacting for nothing.

Well in either ways trouble/ problems are for sure. No one knows when the tide is coming. When the time runs out. When the game is over. But lets have fun meanwhile - speculating :-).

I'm loving it!